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Haturnuhun Known Worldwide by Emil

The Asia Africa conference, Bandung – Bandung Mayor Ridwan Kamil did not want to be left behind at the top-event fanfare of the 60th AACC, Friday (24/4). During the commemoration procession at Gedung Merdeka (Independence Building), the Mayor, who is popularly known as Kang Emil (bro Emil), read the Ten Principles of Bandung in English and asked the honorary guests to enjoy Bandung.


The Ten Principles of Bandung read by Kang Emil were as follows:

  1. To respect human rights and goals also principles in the UN Charters.
  2. To respect all nations’ sovereignty and unity.
  3. To acknowledge all race and all big and small nations equally.
  4. Not to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries.
  5. To respect rights of every country to defend itself or collectively, appropriate to the UN Charters.
  6. (A) Not to make use of collective defense regulations specifically for any large country, (B) Not to put pressure on any country.
  7. Not to perform actions or threats of aggression or make use of power toward any sovereign regions or political independence of any other countries.
  8. To reconcile all international conflicts with s peaceful approach, such as settlement, conciliation, arbitration, or legal settlement, or any other peaceful approaches which become a choice for related parties in line with UN Charters.
  9. To improve mutual benefit and cooperation.
  10. To uphold international justice and obligations.


In an additional remark, after reading all the Ten Principles of Bandung, Kang Emil promoted the Flower City, with the well-known nickname for Bandung. “Haturnuhun,” he said in his closing remark. For more information or details you can always contact
(Photo: Host, Translator: Donum Theo)

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