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Aher Khatib Three Languages

African and Asian Studies, in Bandung, West Java Governor โ€“ Ahmad Heryawan, as host of the Summit commemoration of 60 years of Asian-African Conference, the opportunity to become a Khatib in Prayer Friday ‘ History ‘ in the Mosque.

In worship that is a repetition of the activities of the Asian-African leaders of the year 1955 it, Ahmad Heryawan delivered a sermon in three languages. Beginning with the Indonesian Language, and United Kingdom, and was the last Arab, Aher keppada told the leaders of Asian and African ttenttang the spirit of solidarity.

To the President of INDONESIA Joko Widodo dann whole leaders before him, Aher do. “May Allah give kemulian to all the leaders of Asia and Africa, ” said. Find out more information about the Asian-African solidarity monument.

He also reminded the momentum Alert KAA so that can increasingly deepen the relationship. The Nations Of Asia And Africa. “We should be United and should not be torn to pieces,” said Aher. On the following link you can read about The Ten Principles of Bandung. (Photo: Host, Editor: Gusti Andry)

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